Technical Overview

These pages are intended for administrators and security officers. They may however also be of interest for technical interested users.

Current version

The current version of GnuPG VS-Desktop® is 3.2.2.

⇒ Release information

Installation Notes

To install GnuPG VS-Desktop® for Windows you simply need to execute the downloaded MSI packet. Prior to this, it is important to check the authenticity of the software. Notes regarding this, as well as information on how to install under Linux, can be found in installation instructions.


GnuPG VS-Desktop® can be configured via the registry on Windows.

Under Linux the standard configuration files are used, but located at /etc/gnupg-vsd/ and ~/.gnupg-vsd/.

An overview of the customization options can be found here:

⇒ GnuPG / GpgOL Settings
⇒ Kleopatra Settings